A viruses are only alive,
metabolizing energy and reproducing, when they is comfortably at home.
That would not be a bad thing, but virus homes are inside the cells of their host species, or any other species where they find good accommodations. Humans play host to the family of virus that causes the common cold. The mouse equivalent of the common cold appears to be hantavirus.
Viruses may be the most completely stripped down and simple,
living things that we know of. They are so stripped down that a virus, in and
of itself, wouldn’t be called alive
by most biologists. To be alive it would need some kind of metabolism, an energy
handling system, and it would need to be able to reproduce itself. By
themselves, the parts of a virus can’t do much of anything. No metabolism, no
production of new virus parts, and no new viruses.
But like other living things, viruses exist in different
forms in different phases in their existence. Viruses are very much alive,
having both a metabolism and the ability to reproduce themselves when they are
inside the cells of a suitable, more complex creature, like a plant or an
To make more viruses, they have to take over the
biochemistry system of a living cell and force it to make more viruses. The
intruder must coopt the cell’s energy and resources to first manufacture parts of the virus, then to assemble those parts into new viruses and expel them into the environment
so they can find new cells to attack and infect.
An article that describes this amazing process for a different class of viruses, the bacteriophage, which attack bacteria, can be found at the link below (free access). These viruses resemble tiny spaceships, or eyedropper syringes that attach to a cell wall, drive a needle through it, and inject the DNA into the cell for takeover.
![]() |
Bacteriophage SEM image and diagram. (from source above) |
A typical virus is something like a million times smaller than the cell it will attack, so to overcome the immune responses, a virus needs to “know” what it is
doing. It needs to know what to expect, in a biochemical sense, both outside, and inside of that target
cell. For this reason, a virus can’t just attack any cells in any other species. Also, in part for that reason, when a virus makes the jump from a host species where it exists like the common cold, causing little damage, to another, only roughly related species, it can wreak havoc in the target species' body.
Viruses evolve alongside, inside, actually, of their host
species until they have adapted to that organism so completely that they are
perfectly attuned cell-pirates. For Sin Nombre hantavirus, that perfect
soul-mate match is the deer mouse. Other strains of hanta have apparently
evolved together with other, closely related rodents, such as the White Footed
mouse and the New York virus, a close relative of Sin Nombre.
When a virus is active, it is duplicating its RNA or DNA, producing the components
of the capsule and coat, and otherwise exploiting the cell’s resources to do
its own bidding. Once this process is complete, many copies of the portable
virus form are produced and assembled and ready for release from the cell
This other form of a virus is called a virion, which ought to be a common word, but it isn’t. A virion is
like a virus seed. When you see a picture of a “virus” what it really is a
picture of is the virion of that virus. You wouldn’t call a pumpkin seed a pumpkin,
or a pumpkin plant. It is only the DNA information that codes for a pumpkin
plant, enclosed in a special shell that protects it, nourishes it, and
interacts with the soil to germinate and grow.
Virions are comprised of either DNA, or RNA, either nucleic
acid chain type can form viruses, that code for all the virus parts, and the
rest of the equipment that genetic material needs to invade a cell and take
over its metabolism.
The virion is the final virus thing in portable form, the
infective device, whose parts are created and assembled by the mechanisms in a
cell that has been taken over. These new virions are then expelled from the
cell and somehow circulated to a new host. That may be another cell in the same
creature, the most common thing. Or passage into urine, feces, or other
shedding debris from a virus carrier, and then on to another victim.
The structure of the hantavirus virions is important, not
just to the virus but to us, because that affects how they are transported into
humans, and how the immune system fights back against it.
Hantavirus virions are roughly spherical, a little less than
1/5 of one micron in diameter, less than 1/100,000 of an inch. They are nowhere
near as large as pollen grains, for instance. The finest pollen grain is around
30 times the diameter, and thousands of times as massive as a hantavirus
virion. These virus particles make dust look like boulders.
The outside of the virion is made of a spherical protein
envelope that surrounds the RNA that encodes for the hantavirus genes. These
genes make the pieces that comprise the virion, the RNA itself, and the
proteins that make the “capsule” or “capsid.”
On the surface of the capsid are an array of other proteins
that help the virus attach to and penetrate the cell wall its future host.
These proteins are what typically triggers immune responses that are the
bodies’ main defense against hanta.
This capsule does a lot more than carry an RNA pill. It
contains the chemical/structural information that is needed to break into and
enter mouse cells, and yours.
The fact that these virions are nearly spheres means that
they can flow and move relatively well compared with more complicated shapes.
Another famous virus, called bacteriophage T-6, has a far more complex shape
than hantaviruses. T-6 is shaped like a miniature spaceship, or a hypodermic
from hell, that attaches itself to a bacteri a cell wall, drives a hollow needle
through the cell wall, and then compresses the gene-carrying component and
injects the DNA into the cell, taking over its machinery to reproduce more
Hantaviruses are a genus of viruses within the larger virus family
called the bunyaviruses or, even more
sinisterly, the bunyaviridae. Most of
the other viruses in the bunyaviridae family that cause disease in humans are
transmitted to us by arthropod vectors
– mosquitos, ticks, lice and others. These carriers of the viruses are called
vectors because they only convey the viruses that were produced in some other
species. A mosquito bites someone with a viral infection and draws blood, then
bites another person and delivers the virus to them.
The virus is being carried by the mosquito, and may be
adapted to remain intact within it, but it isn’t taking over the mosquito’s
cells to reproduce itself. That task is left to the natural “host species” that
the virus has evolved with, and adapted to. When it is in a vector species, it
is, at least for the most part, in a passive, virion state.
A virus that has evolved while living in humans for many
generations is likely to be well-adapted to working with human anatomy. In this
case, the virus probably has a good chance of achieving a new infection in
another human with only a small number of virions, or a low concentration of
virus. So even though the amount of virus discharged into a human by a mosquito
is likely small, it can transmit diseases that are well adapted to their new
human host.
Hantavirus, however, is transmitted to humans from a host species, the species that the virus
has evolved with. Differences and similarities in hantavirus genes closely
match the differences and similarities in their host species. A hantavirus that
is endemic to deer mice is likely to be very similar to a hanta that is endemic
to the closely-related white footed mouse, another “New World” mouse. Both of
those hantaviruses are likely to be dissimilar to those that have evolved
alongside an Old World rodent species.
When hantavirus invades a human, it is in an environment that it is only partly prepared for. This is probably the reason that it appears to take a significant number of hantavirus virions for infection to occur. It is also likely the reason that the disease causes so much damage to the human organism. Both factors will be discussed more fully in an upcoming post.
Now, of course, we are living in an ever-smaller world, and all of those species are involved in a planet-wide mixing pot of pathogens and people. We will examine some of the challenges that mixing and evolving process is bringing in the field of "emerging pathogens," the sometimes new, sometimes ancient pathogenic species that are continually changing threats to us all.
– Mark@hantasite.com
When hantavirus invades a human, it is in an environment that it is only partly prepared for. This is probably the reason that it appears to take a significant number of hantavirus virions for infection to occur. It is also likely the reason that the disease causes so much damage to the human organism. Both factors will be discussed more fully in an upcoming post.
Now, of course, we are living in an ever-smaller world, and all of those species are involved in a planet-wide mixing pot of pathogens and people. We will examine some of the challenges that mixing and evolving process is bringing in the field of "emerging pathogens," the sometimes new, sometimes ancient pathogenic species that are continually changing threats to us all.
– Mark@hantasite.com
Mark, Thanks for diving deep on this issue, dare I say crisis, and for sharing your excellent work on the internet. You're right, there's not much out there.
I found your site seeking news of a bacteriophage for SNV. My sister and brother in law just cleaned out their garage of mice and mouse droppings after learning that the neighbor behind them was the first to die from hantavirus in our county. Another neighbor was recently hospitalized yet undiagnosed. I've been researching respiratory supports; herbal antivirals, supplements, supportive nutrition while they wait out the incubation period. I've been forwarding every applicable resource I can find. To be sure, I’ll be forwarding your website to them! They're presenty in the clear, but knowledge of a bacteriophage would certainly be a something to have in a back pocket. Have you searched for one already? If not, I'm hoping some company will develop one.
I was disappointed to learn that the county Health Department has done nothing to date to notify neighbors of the man who was positively diagnosed, let alone notify people the county at large. News of the the diagnosis of the poor man who died aired on the local news stations on September 19th - 10 days ago. Ten precious days. My sister and other neighbors learned of this man’s death through a neighborhood website. Have you had any influence in urging officials to better inform their citizenry?
Again, thank you so much for your work. I’d not thought of checking auto air filters. That information alone may save the lives of many people to happen upon your website. I wonder if health departments might link your website as a knowledgeable and informative site for the general public who care to know more.
Best to you, your wife and your community,
Patricia Fenkell
Appologies. My misunderstanding, wishful thinking, both to ask about a bacteriophage for SNV. By definition, "bacterio"phages only kill bacteria, which might be useful in dealing with pneumonia or associated infections that might accompany SNV, but sadly they can't stop this or any other virus.
However, a virus has been developed to kill a virus. ? That viruses are not alive... I'll leave you to be the judge. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/08/110808154132.htm
Perhaps sound may be effective:
https://www.livescience.com/7472-kill-viruses-shake-death.html Reminiscent of the Rife Machine
Thanks again,
Hi Patricia,
Which state are you in? I haven't heard of these cases. Must be in a more arid area, I am guessing. Please reply and let me know.
Although there aren't living things that attack hantavirus directly, that we know of, there are definitely things that destroy it and can be very effective.
UV light from sunlight, oxygen from fresh dry air, and time, liberally applied. All destroy the hantavirus virions and ultimately keep this rare disease rare.
I will write more on this soon.
Thank you for your kind comments.
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